Aydın Kement
September 26, 2022
One Skill All It Takes? 🤔
The top 5 skills that you must get!
What makes you different?

It makes no difference where you started. Did you notice or realize that where you originally started is now different?

Whether you agree or not, there are new expectations that you are facing nowadays. We become more overthinkers or proactive as a result of technological advancements. Each tool makes us feel wiser than we were before.

Let's take a closer look at how we might succeed and be more effective than others, especially in CRM and data-related jobs.

1. Learn the basics
  • Statistics
  • Exploratory Data Analysis
  • SQL
  • Excel
  • PowerPoint
  • Graphs
  • Story Telling
  • Python
  • R
  • 2. Automation & Task Management Tools
  • Trello
  • Airtable
  • Asana
  • Zapier
  • HubSpot
  • Notion
  • 3. Project Management

    You must be prepared for the implementation and iteration procedures if you work for a firm that wishes to replace their current solution with the optimal one. Then you may find yourself deciding between the top service providers and composing brief documents. Considering budgets, it is better to know OpEx and CaPex terms.

    4. Communication Skills

    In addition, you may find yourself working as an analyst, requiring you to oversee the stability of all solutions. You must communicate with your stakeholders and other relevant departments using the same terminology. Don’t hesitate to learn, and just push yourself through a solution.

    5. Be Sceptical

    You’re analytical, no doubt. Your tasks involve several stages, such as data cleansing, modeling, visualizing, and so on. You are efficient and have a strong capacity to deliver strategic insights. Be aware of your level of power. Be wary of outliers, noise, and distributions.

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